Monday, May 21, 2012

Hello Goodbye

Yes, yes I's been awhile. You can blame China's communist government for that. It's extremely difficult to communicate with the outside world. Thank you, China. But here I am, telling you about my last week in Thailand. It was rough. The end. That's basically all you need to know. But for entertainment sake I guess I can go into more detail.

Twas a busy week in Phichit. Much packing, cleaning, planning, wallowing, sulking, laughing, late nights, corn balling took place. Squeezing in as many smoothy runs as we can. Those things were scrumptulescent. I miss them already. Ice. Chocolate powder. Sweetened condensed milk. Need I say more?

Would ya just look at it? Cutest bunch ever
Other than cramming in all the delicious Thai food we could, our last moments were mostly spent with our kids. As if leaving them wasn't torture enough, they had to be even more adorable than normal. Hugs and loving and pure awesomeness. Quote of the week from Pan: “I love this day! This day I love!!” Ditto Pan....ditto. The last day of class was a strange combination of joy and depression. We basically just goofed off with the kids instead of doing lessons. And by goofed off I mean we lined them up, execution style, and threw giant water balloons at them. Best. Idea. Ever. Sure I destroyed Praewa and made her just a bit upset but I let her get me back so it's all good, right? But all the kids were good sports. We played games and sang songs and enjoyed every second we had until the inevitable. Saying goodbye. That was brutal. Just watching those kids walk to their cars for the last time was something I never ever want to do again. Ever. I would rather my teeth be grinded down with rusty shrapnel than have to bid farewell to my little Mhew Mhew. But it will be okay. The five of us made a pact to come back to Thailand a year from now. We signed an oath with blood. Literally. We literally stabbed our fingers and signed a written document with blood. We mean business. If you think I am kidding, here is our proof....

This is what happens in the last week of Thailand. You flirt with that line between acceptable and insanity. In our case, I think we might have crossed over a few times. But what's life without a little dash of psychosis? After we made the bond in blood, it was time to head off to our last adventure....another weekend in Chiang Mai! You never know what Chiang Mai will bring....elephants, tigers, injuries, a society of bears,'s the limit! By some unexplainable force, I was able to come out of this Chiang Mai trip unscathed. That's right...not a single injury! I don't know how I managed to pull that one off, but it happened. Not without near death experiences, however. Once again, it involved a scooter. Me and Kaitlen were just cruising down the canyon, having a gay ol time. No worries, she was driving. I learned my lesson. Anyways, we were haulin it down this canyon and this dude with his kid on the back of his scooter decides to be a complete bafoon and not look both ways before crossing the street. Come on man, this is basic stuff. So what does he do? He starts scootin across the road as me and Kaitlen are billowing towards him. He sees us, we see him, eye contact made, panic ensues, pants crapped and both scooters nearly collide. Dad of the Year stopped his scooter right in front of us. Ya, because that's going to solve our predicament. Luckily for us, our cat-like-reflexes kicked in. Kaitlen hit the brakes (and maybe some gas at the same time) so it made this horrendous screeching sound, because we needed even MORE attention drawn to us. Our scooter about tipped over while still going pretty fast, but both me and Kaitlen just leaned, stomped the ground, kicked our scooter back up, swerved around this yahoo and kept on going. Smooth sailing. It. Was. Unbelievable. How we got out of that one escapes me. A little near death experience ain't done no body no harm. The rest of Chiang Mai was pretty calm. Oh ya. Other than the monsoon that hit us. We survived a tsunami in Phuket, but we were almost terminated by a monsoon at a lake. First of all, this lake was like the search for the Holy Grail. It took EONS to find this place. After many a wrong turn we finally found it. And then got pounded by rain. Lots and lots of rain. It was absolutely nuts. I thought for sure it was the end of days. The waves on this lake were bigger than our tsunami! (which, unfortunately, is not saying much) But like all Thai rains, it passed fairly quickly. And THEN the rest of our time was calm and relaxing. I got to check out some pretty amazing historical sites. A 600 year old trial that led to this sprawling temple. I was speechless. Well for a good 30 seconds or so. You know me, couldn't keep quiet even if I tried. We really did see some truly amazing things that day. We saw a ruin of a temple that dates back to at least the 12th century. I literally had goose bumps. This is when the history nerd Marci comes out. Its not good. I have very few qualities that make me pass as some what cool. So any time one of my not so charming qualities shine I must stifle it immediately. So what did I do? I chased butterflies. Yup. Because that's cool.

I couldn't have asked for a better way to end my time in Thailand. Great people. Great Environment. Great adventures. It was perfect. Eventually we had to go to that dreadful place that took us away from our magical land. The airport. No body likes airports. Especially when we had to say good bye not only to Thailand, but to each other. Dianna and I continue our adventure onto China, but the rest of the girls went back to America. Me and airports just do not mix. Tip for all those traveling. Don't joke about there being a bomb in your backpack. Just saying. It's a wonder how I didn't get tazed on multiple occasions. But I made it safely on the plane, where I had the honor to sit next to troll man. One of those classy old men with the young Thai wives. As you can imagine that was pure magic sitting next to him.

Alas.....this is it for me and my blog. I am now continuing my adventure in China. I would like to take a quick second to thank Kaitlen, Sheela, Angee, and Dianna for the most wonderful time of my life. They truly are some of the best people I have ever met in my life. I also thank all of my readers for support and some kind reconciliation that my life is at least half way entertaining. Even if its not...just tell me so. Or else. You don't want to know what kind of messed of things I come up with to torture people. I have four girls that can attest to that.

I'm gonna miss these girls

And with that....I bid you all farewell! Be looking for my up and coming blog that will premier sometime in August maybe...for my next adventure! Good luck and God speed.

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