Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Day in the Life

What an adventure is has been so far. The girls are great. We get along so well. The family is fantastic. Tang is extremely nice. Mom is hilarious and Granny is very kind. It is really really REALLY hot here. The humidity kills me. And lots of bugs as well. But you gotta love it!

Every day we have somewhat of a routine. We ride bikes every day. That's right. You heard me. I, Marci Allen ride a bike. Do I look as ridiculous as you imagined it? Here is a picture to find out...
So the answer is an obvious yes. But we enjoy it. We get a lot of attention. I imagine it's what all the "hot celebs" feel like on the red carpet. People applauding, shouting out "I love yooooouuu!", saying hello and smiling. Except instead of a glamorous carpet, paparazzi, gorgeous hair and make up, we have sweaty faces, "safe" helmets, damp clothing, and streets that smell put it in an "adult" way...yucky yucky poo poo. And I love all of it. I am now getting used to the constant attention. Kind of nice. SO I EXPECT NOTHING LESS WHEN I GET HOME. 
Back to the smell...keep in mind, there are stray dogs EVERYWHERE, squatters instead of actual toilets (I will let you figure out what that is) and....every vegetarian's dream, freshly killed meat for sale. They have a market that hangs the carcass up for all to see. Needless to say, my roommates love to point it out to me.
Notice the strategically placed fish head
Like I have mentioned, the food is scrumtulescent here. I eat eggs and rice every day without fail. Tang and Mom like to tease me because I like the eggs so much. But I haven't had anything yet that I absolutely hate. (One perk to being vegetarian, they don't feed you the "questionable" meat dishes) As you can see in the picture on the right, that fish was...gross. And of course right in front of me. Alas, my misery brings the rest of the gang joy, which makes it okay. Because everyone knows my ego will do anything for a laugh. Anything.

Our favorite drink place :)

I think this just speaks for itself

We have a lot of fun here. And we are very spoiled. Mom and Dad are pretty well off so we get pampered quite a bit. This is their swimming pool. Super nice, right? I can definitely get used to living here. They are constantly doing things for us, cooking for us, taking care of us. What more could we ask for?

Last night, I "came out". Before you get any ideas, let me explain. I don't know if it was something we ate, something we drank, the humidity, fumes, strange sleeping hours, or just plane ol crazy kids but my roommates had this grand idea for me to tell our head teacher that I was gay, "not there's anything wrong with that." It was one of those things that happen when you are in a group and someone makes a little joke about the way you dress and suddenly one thing leads to another and you cut her skin off and wear it around town. (This didn't happen by the way if any of you sickos were thinking it did) Anywho...where was I. Oh, ya. Being gay. So I rehearsed it a hundred times so that I could make it convincing. This would be the acting opportunity of a lifetime.  It was time. I went in their, said my lines, sounded convincing, and she bought it! I couldn't keep it up for long so I quickly said the record straight. Ha get it. Straight. No pun intended. We all had a good laugh, mostly because the build up was way more fun than the actual joke. It's funny. Now I am the butt of every joke. Jokes like "Kaitlen, are you sure you can share a room with Marci?" or after stating my love for trail mix "But, Marci, I thought you didn't like nuts." (sorry if that one was too much for some of you). Of course these jokes are hilarious and I come up with the most out of everyone, but now we will go the rest of semester questioning my sexual orientation. Good prank guys. Good prank. 

We have finally begun teaching. The kids are the cutest. I am already in love. We get up at 6:30 AM, leave by 7:30, arrive to the school at 8, start teaching at 8:30, end teaching at 11:30 but we never make it home till dinner. Aren't they adorable? The one in the pink on the very left is my favorite. Her name is pronounced "Pear." She reminds me of my niece Meghan. The kid on the very left is also awesome. You can't tell but he has a mullet.

Hogwarts! Here is the school. Rad, right?

Another thing to add to my list why this is the coolest place on the planet. The school (and our home in a week) is modeled after Hogwarts. It's my dream come true! And yet, another thing that brings my roommates happiness. Making fun of me for geekin out about Harry Potter. I was put on this earth so people could laugh at my expense.

Tonight one of the parents invited us over to eat. It was delicious :) And....they had french fries and honey mustard! I am still in shock. You know, I am really starting to notice a common trend. People love to laugh at me! The mom and her cousin kept laughing at me. I think it's because the other girls don't talk as much as I do. And anyone who knows me knows that after talking for five minutes, you know I am an idiot. But it was fun. I like to make people laugh. And if that means making fun of me for the way I look while I am riding a bike then so be it!

I am having the time of my life and can't wait to tell you all of the magical experiences I have over here!


  1. I'm so glad you are having a great time! The kiddos are adorable. And the school looks awesome!

  2. I can't tell you how jealous I am of you right now!! It looks like SOOOO much fun!! I MISS YOU!!
