Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Land ho! I have finally made it in Thailand, after a long 33 hours of travel. I was beginning to think I would never make it! It was quite the adventure. Our first flight to LA was pretty uneventful, other than the lady next to me eating a giant pickle. After we landed, however, no one told us we would have to practically walk the path of Mordor to get to our next gate. We had a three hour layover and we barely got there in time. Time for the 13 hour flight. My seat was by the emergency exit. Pro: more leg room! Con: I couldn't leave my carry on by me. I was able to grab my ipod and Kindle but all my other goodies left with my bag. Wa wa. Con number 2: So no seat in front of me, which was good, but instead 4 feet in front of me was the stewardess's chair. Which faced me. I didn't know where to look! My choices were to stare at her, or look out the window and look at the black sky. I chose the window.

I had some great surround sound on the flight. They guy behind me was going to town on whatever he was eating, making the most horrific lip smacking noises. To give you an idea how loud it was, I could hear him WHILE we were taking off. Thanks Dad for the sensitive ears.

I will say though, I have never been so hydrated in my life! They were constantly bringing beverages by. While dinner was being served we started to experience some turbulence. Guess who came back to their seat? That's right, Korean stewardess. So this time she got to stare at me while I ate. That wasn't awkward at all. Lip Smacker finally fell asleep. Lip smacking. Gone. Loud Snoring. Oh ya, should've seen that comin.

This is us after our flights!
All in all, the flight wasn't terrible. We arrived in Korea. By this point, I was completely disoriented with time. That time travel stuff is confusing! Our next and last flight was to Bangkok. Other than the six hours seeming like 20, it went pretty smoothly. Alas we arrive in Thailand!  And what awaits us? A four hour drive to Phichit. Sooo much traveling! So close yet so far. At least the van had air conditioning. And the drivers choice of music: 90s pop. I am not sure if that was his personal preference, or if he assumes that's what American girls listen to. Either way, we enjoyed it! Touche, driver. Touche. At long last we arrived to where we are staying. The family is very nice. Mom is a hoot! She doesn't speak very good English, but we usually get what she is trying to say. Tang, who runs the school, speaks very good English. We arrived at around 7 PM so we just did a few matters of business then hit the hay.
View from my bedroom

Today Tang took us around town. They drive on the left side of the road which is really hard to get used to. But the town is adorable. Shops every where. The food is AMAZING! Its finally starting to sink in that I am on the other side of the world. And with that....I will keep you posted on my adventures!

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