Sunday, January 29, 2012

Tomorrow Never Knows

Thailand has yet to cease to amaze me. Every day is an adventure! We have finally moved into Hogwarts. Can I get a Booya! It's my 13 year old dream come true. The bad part...I didn't even stand a chance to
Roomies in front of our royal crest
 try to convince my roommates I was somewhat cool, or even normal. The second I heard "modeled after Hogwarts," the nerd part of my brain took over and chill, relaxed, maybe even "cool Marci," died. I am totally fine with that because that has been a 20 year story for me. I do worry about my roommates, though. They are probably tired of me casting spells with my wand or watching failed attempts of disapperation or listening to me say "but we can do it because we live in Hogwarts." Or mayyyyybe they are so impressed by my information on wizardlore that they don't even know what to say to me, in fear that they will disappoint me with their lack of knowledge. Ya, that's it.
On my Nimbus 2000

As you can imagine, this place is very grand. We are very spoiled. I absolutely adore my roommates. Maybe too much...but we don't need to get into that. My only complaint....there are bugs. Everywhere. No escaping it. I had two casualties come from those blasted bugs. My trail mix and my Nutella. It's a cruel cruel world. But you just have to accept it and move on. I try not to think about how many insects have made my hair their home. On the bright side, they will probably suffocate before they eat my brains out.

Another exciting thing about the school: we live with Thai teachers. It's rather fun, I should say! Our chef is awesome. His name in English is spelled Rose, but it's pronounced Lore or something like that...I've never bothered to learn how to say it. I just call him Rose. That's the American way, right?! Now the fun thing about mom puts it "Boy? Girl? Somewhere in the middle!" (Meaning he bats for the other team (meaning he swings the other way (meaning he is going to "burst into flames" (meaning he is a homosexual)))). Oh the great times we have! He keeps us entertained, that's for sure.

You never know what a day is going to bring here. The other day we decided to go get some Thai massages. We really didn't know what to expect. We walk in and there are five beds laid out for us. And to our surprise what did we see? Five blind Thai people who were going to give the messages. Yup. Didn't see that one coming. Neither did they...ope I just crossed the line. But it was actually somewhat pleasant. They just felt for your feet and were able to figure out the rest! We all enjoyed it except for Dianna.....poor poor Dianna. Her lady was trying to kill her. Now I don't know if its normal or if it was because all the workers there are blind but as I was just looking around the room, there, right  there, was a woman breast feeding her child, bosom exposed. Some things cannot be unseen.

As I mentioned earlier...I clearly never matured past the age of 5 so I take this Hogwarts business seriously. But I must say thank you to my parents who let my freak flag fly. Never once have they tried to dial down my nerd, weird or creep. I don't know if that is good or bad, but thanks Mom and Dad! Back to the wizarding world. Because we are at Hogwarts, we obviously need to be sorted. Doesn't take a Potions professor to figure that out! So (probably against their will, but I am so wrapped up in my world I fail to notice) my roommates organized the sorting ceremony. It was grand. I never question the Sorting Hat's decision, but I was surprised I didn't get Hufflepuff. You know, because they are the air heads. But I am happy to announce I belong to Raveclaw!
Me in the Sorting Hat. Reaction to Ravenclaw!

Everything has been more than what I ever dreamed of. We went to some temples and ancient ruins and  it just blew my mind. It really is a dream come true. We got Thai fortunes. Mine said "Your hardship is over, from now on your life will be pleasant and happy every night and day. Within three months, the good fortune and spouse you wished for will come true. If you're involved in a lawsuit, you're likely to win the case. The missing cousins and the escaping debtors will be in touch. Wherever you go, whoever you meet will respect you. The older you get, the better you'll be." Pretty nifty, eh? (except for the spouse part). And for my missing cousin...I WILL FIND YOU! I don't know who you are but you best believe that your hiding days are over. I also used a squatter for the first time. Now I won't go into detail, but it wasn't as bad as I thought! Now I won't go into detail but the sound coming from the squatter on the other side of the wall was worse than I thought. It involved a number of squirming, grunting, plopping, sloshing, and splashing sounds. TMI? Ya I thought so. Now you know how I feel. But hey, how many people get to say they used the same squatter as a Monk in Thailand?

Well folks, I hope you still read my blog after you realize I am psychotic. It's all for your enjoyment. Till next time, peace and love :)

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