Saturday, February 25, 2012

Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da

I want to take some time to just talk about the little kiddos over here. I mean, they are the whole reason I am here! They are so adorable. Everyday, they make me smile. On the other hand, its a scientific fact that one in five children are of the devil. And that's about right for us here. As much as I love these kids...some make me want to jump out the second story window. You will find out which ones, specifically, in just a mo.

Name: Max
Age: 5
Skills: Ultimate  Fighting

This kid, if you couldn't tell, is one of those spawns of Satan. Love the kid, but man! He can't go one day without me getting after him. It is rather sad though, because his class gangs up on him. They like to see him get in trouble. Poor, poor Max. Maybe it will teach him not to sucker punch people in the face.

Name: Phuvit
Age: No one really knows
Skills: Gives a mean back scratch

I love Phuvit. As you can see, he can be a hand full, but he is very sweet. Example: On Valentine's day he brought a girl a rose. What a romantic. He isn't afraid to do anything for a laugh. Very similar to myself. Whenever he sits next to me, he just tickles my leg or my arm or scratches my back. I need him back home!

Name: Gai
Age: 5
Skills: Batting her eyelashes to get what she wants

Oh Gai....what can I say. She is adorable. The boys love her. And she totally knows it. She is typically very well behaved, but on days where she wants more attention then usual, she can be quite the show off. Best thing about Gai. Her mom owns a restaurant. Down the street. We are very well taken care of :)

Name: Mhew
Age: 5
Skills: Head can spin full circle

Mhew....can live with her, can't live without her. She has this demonic laugh. It's terribly frightening. I swear I can hear it when I am alone. I am just waiting for her to be floating above my bed when I wake up. Mhew is great. She is Max's twin, surprise surprise. She is very loving and sweet. Just a little on the......"invading-personal-bubble" side.

Name: "I'm Ongraaaaayyyyyyy"
Age: 40
Skills: Brooding

Ongry is very sweet. He is very good at English as well. He can communicate pretty much anything to you. Including information about his two birds he has at his house. Love birds to be exact. The only problem with Ongry....he is so broody. We don't know why. He is just going through a phase. Once you get his mind off of it he is happy and lovable :)

Fei Fei
Name: Fei Fei
Age: 5-ish
Skills: Able to melt hearts with one look

What a sensitive little boy. Ah, so cute. The second he looks at you, you can't help but fall in love. His best friend is Ongry. He gets so sad when Ongry is missing or when Ongry isn't in a good mood. But he gets so happy when....well just about anything happens. Fei Fei is just a happy kid. And very bright as well


Name: Preawa
Age: 6
Skills: Everything. If you disagree, be prepared to a face full of crazy.

Preawa. The ring leader. She is one of those people that you don't upset because you're afraid of what might happen if you do. Bamboo reeds might get shoved under your finger nails. Preawa is extremely smart and knows English better than most. She is funny and chatty, and has a touch of psycho. I like her :)


Name: Pordee
Age: 4
Skills: Telepathy

Pordee, Pordee, Pordee. He is brilliant. His English is very advanced for his age. And he knows it, ergo, he abuses he brain powers. He gets all the other kids to say everything opposite of what I really want them to. Example: "Rule number 3: Listen to your teacher." Now is when they repeat. But Pordee chimes in and says, "No listen to your teacher."  Being that he is a leader (Pordee and Praewa are siblings, can you tell?) the whole class follows. You learn to live with it!


Name: Name (not a typo)
Age: 4
Skills: NOT smiling, that's for sure

Haha Name. What a sweet heart. Most of the time you think she is in her own little world, but turns out she is soaking all the information in. I will say something and the class repeats, but not Name. All I have to say is, "Name," and she spits out a long sentence. She is also extremely neat. And dainty. Adorable :)


Name: Great
Age: 4
Skills: Voice frequency only dogs can hear

Great is such a cutie. And very soft spoken. I literally can't hear anything she says. Until you ask her to speak louder. That's always fun. She takes a deep breath and shouts as loud as she can. It's actually quite shocking. Downside of Great...she has a terrible chewing problem. Chews on EVERYTHING. But I think we have solved her oral fixation with a straw. Who knew!


Name: Nest
Age: My guess...4
Skills: Bird Watching

Nest is a cutie! And extremely smart. But you have to egg him on to show his brilliance. At first he just shakes his head. But once you get him talkin, its astounding how much he knows. Plus he does the Peace sign so you know I like him.

Name: Nomob
Age: They don't have ages in Hell
Skills: Satan's little helper

Don't get me wrong. I love Nomob. But she is one of those 1 in 5 I was talking about. The first thought that pops in her head is to do something destructive. Example: She sees me wrestling with the kids. So instead of jumping on me like the others, she digs her claws into my skin. And I just have to smile and laugh....good one Nomob. Good one.

Name: Tiger
Age: 4
Skills: Crocheting lace doilies

Tiger is Phuvit's brother. Unfortunately, Phuvit got the charm. Tiger got...the inability to understand how to behave correctly. He loves to brag about being naughty. I will say this, he gives me those opportunities where I get the joy to form sentences I would never have to in the real world. "Tiger, if you don't stop making noises, I am going to take away your pig nose."


Name: Plang
Age: 4
Skills: Skat

Ain't she a doll?? You can't not love that face. (Yup, double negative.) While in class, she will repeat very well. However, when she is not repeating. She is singing, or humming, or la la la-ing, or oo oo oo-ing. It can be distracting, but I don't have the heart to stifle a young girl exploring her talents! ;) And how can you say no to that face? Huh?? HUH?? TELL ME!

Nam Nan

Name: Nam NAN
Age: 3
Skills: Street Fighter (This reference will only be understood by those who played the video game. On super nintendo.)

She could be the sweetest girl in the school, hands down. Yet, she has the habit of yelling. Not in anger. Just to be heard. Her name is not Nam Nan, its Nam NAN. It always reminds me of "Arri-uuuuukay!" (See "Skills") Mitchell Allen knows whats up. And we always ask the kids "Who's being good?" Response: "I'm being good." Not Nam Nan's. Her's is "I'M. BEING. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!" That never gets old.


Name: Chester :)
Age: 3
Skills: Field Worker

Chester is the love of my life. I seriously don't know how I am going to leave him. He is very calm. He mostly just stands still and looks at the ground. But on the occasion he gets excited, he smiles as big as he can, revealing a lot of gums where four front teeth should be. Ah. Love it. Lately Chester has been a little girl crazy. He can't keep his hands off of Nam Nan or Plang. Plang just looks at me, not knowing what to do. Nam Nan pushes him and crosses her arms while scowling. Poor guy. Nice guys always finish last...I will always love you Chesteeeeeeerrrrr!

Kaow Tung

Name: Kaow Tung
Age: 3
Skills: He doesn't need skills. He has a mullet

Definitely one of my favorites (even though I probably am not allowed to have favorites). Kaow Tung is as hyper as can be. When he gets excited (which almost every second of every day) he just jumps around and flails his limbs and shakes his head and shouts jibberish. Remind you of anyone??? If you didn't say me, you must be a random stranger creep checkin out my blog.


Name: Prae (pronounced Pear)
Age: 3
Skills: Rolling, waddling, hopping, occasional crawling, grunting, aaaaaand she works a killer milk mustache.

Oh Prae. What will I do without you? My day is unfulfilled when Prae doesn't come to school. She is just always is a daze, staring off into the distance. We call it the Prae Stare. Her favorite word is "Uh-oh" but she never uses it correctly. "Prae, look at this picture of an elephant." "Uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh" for five minutes. Once she starts she doesn't stop! I am going to miss you Prae.

And last but definitely not least.....

Mew Mew
Name: Mew Mew (aka my mini me)
Age: 2 or 3?
Skills: Marci Allen Specialist

Here's my shadow. In opening we have the kids stand on these shapes. Well wherever I go, Mew Mew follows. She picks up her shape and puts it down right next to me. If I take two steps to the right, she picks up her shape and moves it. And then holds my hand :) This girl knows how to make my day! I am really really going to miss her. Notice her front teeth? I wish you could see them better. They are hilarious.

The whole Gang

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