Thursday, April 5, 2012

Helter Skelter

About a week ago, summer school began. What does this mean for us? It means our class size doubled. Instead of having 20 kids, we now have 45, which is about 11 in each group. 5 year old X 11=  CHAOS. Don't get me wrong, love the kids, but any stresses I had as a teacher has multiplied greatly. Sometimes, I just like to sit back and watch the havoc unfold. The thought process of a three year old is astounding. Pick up pencil. Look at pencil. Look at kid sitting next to you. Look back at pencil. Start whacking adjacent kid with pencil as many times as you can before I rip the pencil out of your clenched fist with the Jaws of Life. Gotta love kids. But they are also incredibly adorable. Examples:

I was doing a demonstration in the corner of the classroom. I needed some helpers. So me and a couple of kids are acting out the activity when randomly Ongry jumps out of his seat, runs to me, wraps his arms around me and says, "I love you Teacher Marci!" That child knows how to make my day :)

I was trying to teach the little one year olds how to say robot. "Ro-bot. Its a robot. Ro-bot. Can you say robot?" All four of them start to sing Row Row Row your boat. Robot. Row your boat. Tomayto Tomahto (had to write that one phonetically so you would understand. Don't judge).

Ongry is leaving school. We say our goodbyes, then he runs to his dad, leaps in the air and does a heal click. I hereby declare Ongry to be a stupendous gentleman of sorts.

I have about a million more examples of why these kids are the most awesome kids on earth as we know it, but this would turn into a novel. As if my blog posts aren't long enough.

In other news, another exciting event of our lives in Phichit was our mid-semester visit. Jared (a director from ILP) came to see how the school was running. None of us realized how weird we were until our conversations were being observed by an outsider. Those judgmental looks directed at us while talking about our desire for magical foot elves to massage our feet. I don't care who you are, little feet massaging elves is a great idea! It didn't really start to sink in that we aren't exactly normal until Jared walked in on "story time." What's story time you ask? Well I'll tell you. I read The Hunger Games out loud to my roommates. And I have a different voice for each character. Go ahead Jared. Judge me. But I know that all you reading this secretly wished that I read to you in a variety of voices.

We also went to a movie this week!! Woooo! And yes, it WAS in Thai. Before the movie started, it played a little slide show to pay respects to the King. As we looked around to see what the locals were doing, we frantically stood up to, you know, pay our respects. That lasted a good minute. Then the movie started. The movie was Mirror Mirror. Now.....this do I abomination to film making and society as we know it. And had it been in English, I can only imagine it would have made it worse. Don't worry, I laughed my loud obnoxious laugh through the whole thing. 70 baht well spent.

The last of my adventures I shall share with you are the beginnings of Home Visits. We have done three this week. A home visit is basically where you go to the student's home, the parents feed you a massive dinner while the child hides behind their mom. The first house we wen to was Mhew Mhew's (my mini me for those who need a refresher). Her greeting was priceless. She was in those bouncer/chair/tray/rolley things (my writing at its best). She was in that thing and said hello and scooted around the floor. The best description we came up with was Dr. Octopus from Spiderman. The resemblance was uncanny.

Name was our next visit. Her parents brought her out in her stroller. Let me back up. The running joke her has been if you ever want to get out of a situation you don't want to be in, just pretend you are asleep. Guess what Name did? She pretended she was asleep. For probably 30 minutes. And boy, is she an active sleeper. She grabbed some flowers, and pushed Kaitlen's hand away with her leg, threw a mango, hung on to her dad like a monkey, it was quite remarkable. And it also proved our theory.

The last one we visited was Kaow Tung. What a surprise! We turn to corner to go to his house and there, before our very eyes, was not a humble abode, but a sprawling manor. The kid lives in a freakin palace basically. MTV Cribs needs to come over there. Apparently his dad is a politician, so they have body guards and servants out the wazoo. Didn't see that one coming at all. We were expecting to walk in and see Kaow Tung in a white fur robe, gold chain, mullet flowing, petting a leopard, and sitting on a chaise made out of a bear. He was actually super excited to see us which made him even more awesome.

Well that is all for now. My apologies for the lack of pictures. I know most of you probably won't even read this line because you stopped when you saw the text to image ratio. I take full blame. Anywho....I am off to my 10 day vacation in just a few hours. You shall be hearing all about it soon enough!

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